There are seven key consultation and engagement principles that should always be adhered to when undertaking consultation:


The type and scale of the consultation or engagement you carry out should be proportionate to the potential impacts of the proposed scheme or decisions being made. Consultation forms part of a wider engagement plan and decisions about if or how to consult will depend on the wide engagement taking


You should undertake consultation or engagement when plans are still fluid so that views and opinions can be taken into account. As a general guide, formal consultation should last between four and eight weeks In the case of large-scale schemes, multiple stages might be required. Be flexible in your planning to allow for possible further stages and remember to allocate time for publicising consultations in advance.


Clearly identify which communities, passengers or stakeholder groups need to be consulted or engaged with, and whether there are any hard-to-reach groups. The method of consultation you undertake will often depend on who needs to be consulted, as well as the available time and resources.


Clearly define the purpose and process of the consultation or engagement. Highlight any aspects of the scheme that are not subject to change. You should only seek views on proposals that are deliverable (e.g. consider cost, engineering impacts and necessary outputs).


Formal consultation is digital by default, using Network Rail’s online consultation tool. Howevver, we urge that all consultations are multi-channel. Depending on the scale and impact of the investment, use other methods, such as exhibitions and meetings.


Where possible, avoid launching consultations and wider passenger engagement during local or national election periods, or public or school holidays. .Involve Route Communication leads with the planning of activity before formal consultation or widespread engagement starts.

In addition to the principles and guidance set out above, you can use the following codes of practice, regulations and frameworks to help formulate a consultation strategy:

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