Promoting public consultations is essential because it gives anyone affected a platform to share their opinions on the development of the project, and an opportunity to directly engage with members of the project team. 

This gives the project team a chance to guide the discussion in order to facilitate dialogue and encourage the public to participate. The quality of engagement will determine the perception the public has of the scheme, thus impacting the feedback they provide. 

The promotion of the initial consultation is usually the first contact the public will have with the scheme. The promotional team should hand out A5 flyers in designated areas such as stations, plus public spaces like shopping centres and high streets. The team must be enthusiastic, professional and well-informed, as they will be directly engaging with the public. 

Consultations need to be engaging with everyone that may be affected, whether they live nearby or regularly travel through the area. So when promoting an event, think of everyone and forget no-one.        

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