All Network Rail websites must follow The EU’s Web Accessibility Directive. The directives require us;

  • To make the website and mobile app content accessible to everyone
  • To provide a public accessibility statement
  • To provide a feedback mechanism for users to report inaccessible content
  • To provide a link to the enforcement procedure

There are also a few categories of content not subject to the rules, including most time-based media (generally audio and video content), mapping services, third-party content, and content located on extranet and internet websites published before the cutoff of September 23, 2019.

We produce consultation material online via the Hub, which where we display our consultation information digitally and receive feedback. The National Consultations Team should be contacted to commission consultation hub sites for projects upon request, so all online feedback can be logged in one place. This data can be pulled out at any point of the consultation and used for reporting purposes. 

The Citizen Space is where we host survey questionnaires and store feedback. Both the Hub and Citizen Space are owned by the National Consultation Team.

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